ABANE Friends and Tolle Fans

… From BarbTUSA

Awakened Beyond A New Earth Friends and Tolle Fans,

So much as happened since we connected through Oprah’s revolutionary webcast series with Eckhart Tolle.  I’m happy to report that I am in a much better place as a result of what I learned through that experience.  My life has changed dramatically.  This past winter I even took time out to go to the theater. I was so intrigued over James Cameron’s virtual world created for the movie Avatar that I embarked on an adventure to see what  a 3D virtual world might offer someone with my background. I found a place where artists are flourishing and business is booming in ways I never imagined possible. I have gotten back to my artistic roots and when I am not busy helping a successful gallery and its artists in real life, I am creating a new economy in the metaverse with my avatar, Jewle Rae.

Over the past year I’ve met many more Tolle fans, those who clearly had been “Awakened Beyond A New Earth”.  I’ve finally decided to start a new group based on our 2008 studies in the 3D virtual world of Second Life and would love to have you join us in there! And, if you would to expand those meetings to ancilliary groups within your home or physical meeting place,  I can show you how to broadcast our virtual meetings through your local television or large computer screens, enabling all of us to interact without being physically present in the same location.

To join me on this 3D virtual world adventure, you will need to open a Second Life account, download and install a compatible 3D browser and complete an orientation on how to handle your avatar in the virtual world. You can choose between a premium account or a FREE basic account. I recommend getting a Premium Account not just because you will get a free ‘home’ that is for your private use but because it is a great way to experience what it means to be part of a virtual community. Currently there are three pricing levels for Premium Accounts: $9.95 per month, $22.50 per quarter, or $72 per year. My company signed up to be a Second Life affiliate to defray some of the cost of publishing and maintaining my presence online. I would appreciate it if you would click on the web ad in either column to join me in world. After you have enrolled and installed the software but before you log into Second Life contact me and I will be happy to join you in world and welcome you personally.