Virtual Entrepreneur Start-Up Story in SL

This is the start-up story of virtual clothing designer Nephilaine Protagonist and her Pixel Dolls SL fashion business.

After viewing the video I logged into SL to see how the boutique looked today but didn’t find anything like I had seen in the video. Instead, I found that the locations of several resellers.

Here are some links for further follow up:

Flower Garden Particle Emitter

Spring is finally in the air! Early this morning I went shopping in world at Outy’s Particle Paradise ~

Outy's Particle Paradise in Second Life
Jewle visits Outy's Particle Paradise

But I couldn’t find the copy edition of the flower garden emitter I had seen yesterday so I returned to purchase the Flower Garden Emitter on XStreetSL for $1350L. (Current Listing in SL Marketplace)

Upon rezzing the emitter for the first time, I quickly discovered that it was going to take some effort to get the flowers planted in a position that looked natural. Within seconds I was up to my neck in flowers!

Flower Garden Particles Meditation Cave
First Flower Garden Particles Installation ~ Gritaville Meditation Cave