Audience HUD

I have several products from Mainland Music Instruments. Paul Ge is a fabulous animator and Second Life content creator. His audience HUD was only $25L when I purchased it in his Second Life Marketplace Store.  With this HUD you can generate audience animations and sounds while you are attending live events such as music concerts.  Following are the animations included with this HUD:

  • Applause animation+sound
  • Bravo animation+sound
  • Crowd animation+sound
  • Sit without sound (now you can sit on the floor everywhere.
  • Sit+applause animation+sound
  • Waving arms (from right to left, both arms)
  • HEADBANG animation

You can purchase your Audience HUD from the Second Life Marketplace – Audience HUD or visit Mainland Music Instruments in-world.

Artist Easels

I own more than one artist easel but this one by Artful Kidd is my favorite:

Animated Artist Easel by Artful Kidd

The number one reason I like this one the most is because it is COPYABLE.  Since it is only 10 prims copies of it can be left at more than one location on my island, making it easier to set up for machinima shots.  The easel also comes with a light that can be turned off or left on. You will find it in Artful Kidd’s Marketplace store.  This product link was active on the date I purchased it.

Here is the product review I left in the Marketplace:

Animated Artist Easel Product Review

Click on the image to see the full-size version or read my review in the Marketplace.